LazyAdmin — TryHackMe Walkthrough

Advait Jadhav
5 min readMar 13, 2024



Hello Everyone! Today I’ll be doing LazyAdmin room on TryHackMe.

Room Link:

Let’s get started!

First, we shall add our IP to /etc/hosts .


Step 0: Reconnaissance

We’ll use Nmap(Network Mapper) to enumerate the open ports and services running on the target machine.

sudo nmap -sC -sV -oN logs/initial_nmap admin.ctf
  1. -sC — to run the default set of script scans for a target host.
  2. -sV — to enable version detection for target host.
  3. -oN — to save the output in normal format.
nmap scan


  1. 22/tcp — SSH(Secure Shell) — used for secure remote access to systems, we must find a username and password of ssh to get access of the target machine.
  2. 80/tcp — HTTP server — running an Apache 2.4.18 web server.

Step 1: Web Discovery

Lets inspect the web server running on port 80.

Apache Default Page

Its the default Apache page, gotta check robots.txt for any entries.


No luck! Need to check hidden directories on the web server. We’ll use gobuster for this task.

gobuster dir -u http://admin.ctf/ -w /usr/share/wordlists/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt

There’s a /content directory, lets check it.


Its a SweetRice CMS site. We must enumerate this directory more to find something juicy.

gobuster dir -u http://admin.ctf/content -w /usr/share/wordlists/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt
/content gobuster

The /inc entry looks interesting.


Bingo! Its an index of the application.


We got a mysql backup file. Lets check for credentials inside it.

backup file

We got the username(manager) and password hash. Lets crack it.

Its a MD5 hash. We’ll use JohnTheRipper with rockyou.txt as our wordlist to crack the password.

john --format=raw-md5 hash.txt --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
hash cracking

Easy catch! Now let’s login to the cms dashboard.


CMS login

Step 2: Getting the shell

CMS dashboard

Now that we have the access of the CMS we can upload our php reverse shell and get access of the system.

File upload

It seems like we can’t upload files with .php extension. Lets bypass this by changing our file extension to .phtml .

File Upload bypass

And it works!

Let’s start a netcat listener on our attack machine and send a request to the uploaded file using curl to get the reverse shell.

On attack machine:

nc -nlvp 9001

Open a new terminal and send a request to the revshell.php .

curl http://admin.ctf/content/attachment/revshell.phtml
reverse shell


Inside /home/itguy I found the first flag user.txt

user flag

Step 3: Privilege Escalation

Let us escalate our privileges to grab the root flag. Using sudo -l command we can check what commands can be executed as root.

sudo -l

We may execute the script with root privileges. Lets abuse this configuration.

Weird! the perl script executes another script(

The script just makes a request to an IP address using netcat and luckily we have the write access to this file. We can exploit this by starting another netcat listener on port 5554 and then changing the IP inside to our IP.

When will be executed with root privileges it will get us a root shell on our 2nd netcat listener.

On 1st netcat shell:

On 2nd netcat shell:

And the machine has been successfully pwned!


LazyAdmin is an easy-rated room which requires knowledge of basic target enumeration, website enumeration, hash cracking, file upload bypass etc.

Its requires intermediate-level pentesting skills to crack this room.

